President Henry B. Eyring

It was nice to be able to sit with a Prophet of the Lord on Easter Sunday.  How’d I get to do that?  Well, I spent the majority of the day drawing President Henry B. Eyring =)  It’s the second time I’ve been able to draw him, as I also drew him for President Monson’s Presidency.  So while I didn’t really get to sit with him in person, it was nevertheless very enjoyable to get the chance to draw him.  Here’s a picture of the progress:


Henry B. Eyring


I love President Eyring.  I think he’s amazing and I love to hear him speak.  I find his emotions to be quite familiar with when I get the chance to speak, and have tried to pattern myself after the way he speaks.  I notice how he will calm himself down with his hands on the pulpit.  I want to be more like him!  I hope if he ever sees this picture he’ll be happy with it.

President Eyring

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